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  • Towing

    I have a 92 ts 650. Is there any way to permently [and safely] attach a set of hooks for towing a wakeboarder? I usually hook the rope to the loop around the back of the seat but I have had the seat come off on me. Also,could anyone recommend another impeller that would give more pulling power?

  • #2
    I don't know what to say as far as attachment of a tow hook, but I do hope your wakeboarder is relatively small. Seems like you'll be pushing the motor and pump of that TS to its limits pulling a person (especially if you have to have a spotter too?)

    You may want to consider looking for something of bigger horsepower and size if you are serious in pulling someone. Usually if a manufacturer doesn't put a tow hook on a machine, they are telling you something, either its not got the power, or it's not constructed for such use.


    • #3
      If you do mount one, be sure to reinforce the hull where you bracket the hook to. Be aware that most states require a 3 seater and a spotter on board to tow.
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      • #4
        Thanks guys, I wasn't aware of any spotter law,I thought you just had to have mirrors. I will check the state laws.


        • #5
          I checked the state regs, a spotter is not required,just 2 mirrors. With that in mind,what mods would help? I'm a little short in the cash department and cannot afford another ski.


          • #6
            Get your impeller repitched by
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            • #7
              If it's still has the stock aluminum impeller, toss it & install a stainless one. Night & day difference! A Skat-Trak 9/17 will work good.


