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rave valves

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  • rave valves

    Do you need to be a mechanic to clean rave valves. If not, are there any instructions out there?

  • #2
    Re: rave valves

    I did mine and I'm no mechanic...I just got bored one afternoon and thought I would give it a try. Winter will do that.....:o

    Do a google search for "rave valve cleaing". There are quite a few sites with how-to's. Most of them are Ski-Doo's but it's the same process.
    The only thing I noticed different is that I don't have paper gaskets, I have more of a rubber O-ring. Your's may be different.
    Good Luck


    • #3
      Re: rave valves

      its simple, remove the 2 allen bolts on both sides of the valve, pull it out, I use a flat blade to scrape away any deposits and gunk, make sure you dont scratch the matal though. clean it off with a cloth sprayed with carb cleaner or similar and re-install. I dont spray the valve directly b/c of the rubber o ring and plastic parts.

      I would also safety wire the bellow inside the black cap instead of the spring clamp they use, they always slip off. I can send you a pic if you want :)


      • #4
        Re: rave valves

        Would like to have any information you have.


        • #5
          Re: rave valves

          Click the serach button, it's been covered many times.
          SBT Tech Support is here to help with your problems.
          We try to answer each question quickly and accurately.
          Please do not use Private Messaging for Tech Support, use the forums.


          • #6
            Re: rave valves

            Whats really sad is that you Admins give the same answers, " click on search" , "dont't post that, its already been covered" . I think anyone should be able to start a thread even if it was talked about before. For one they could get some better answers, its usually on a different machine, and if it wasnt for the fact of new threads, you guys would not have many people joining. Your videos are great but they usually are not on a model that someone is looking for help on. I for one want help from someone that has the exact machine and has done it before. From a user standpoint, there really isnt many detailed replies on new posted topics, wonder why??

            Just food for thought
            You can delete what I wrote or whatever!


            • #7
              Re: rave valves

              You're new and have been complaining on a few threads recently...don't let the door hit ya on the way out if you don't like it.

              We say to search because these kinds of topics have been covered in detail many times before, and frankly don't need to be typed again and again. If you are too lazy to click search and type 'rave valve clenaing' then read a few threads to get all your answers, that's you're concern, not mine.

              The reason there are not many 'detailed replies to new topics' is simply this - it's BEEN COVERED. You can search for just about ANYTHING related to PWCs and it's solved here on these forums, with a quick search. It's not hard, nor a big deal.
              SBT Tech Support is here to help with your problems.
              We try to answer each question quickly and accurately.
              Please do not use Private Messaging for Tech Support, use the forums.


              • #8
                Re: rave valves

                Just like the other few that actually want to try point out how you guys come across when replying.......I realize you just do what comes naturally and replying to your recent remarks is not worth my time. So continue with the smart assed comments...... what would we laugh at without them??


                • #9
                  Re: rave valves

                  Tech support, myself, 1fastski, John Kubiak, and many other professional watercraft mechanics are here as a free courtesy to help anyone who wants information about their watercraft. We have all been here answering these questions for years, not days or even months. 95 % of all current questions that are posted here right now have been answered many times over.

                  Tech Support has many functions at SBT, not just answering questions here, that is why there are so many of us to help and pitch in. We are all running businesses too. So, we help each other out answering the questions as some of us are quite busy otherwise doing what we need to do to keep our families fed.

                  A question such as "how to clean rave valves" has been covered probably over 100 times or more.

                  Tech support is the webmaster here at the SBT site. He has built a great website from scratch. I'm sure he would like to see people using the tools he has provided, such as the search tool.

                  For instance, the part you wrote about safety wiring your rave valves. Even that has been covered several times before.

                  Nobody is trying to be a smart A**. He may have just been quite busy at the time, or he may just like to see people using the tools he has provided. I don't really know, but a couple of things are for sure, we have a good site here and we do not like bickering. There are plenty of places on the internet where you can bicker about just about anything, but this is not one of them.

                  You are as welcome here as any of us. If you stick around long enough, you will either have learned alot or despensed alot of your knowledge to others, or both. Hopefully both, as none of us know everything and we all learn from each other. Do not take things so personally. As a 10 year veteran of these websites, I can tell you that not every post is going to be a sweet little pat on your head and a lolipop on your way home, so grow up and just let it fall off of your back like water off a duck. Nobody is going to think any less of you for not letting it bother you.

                  And keep this in mind. This website is free for anyone to use as long as they do not abuse it. Tech Support is the power behind this place, you are in his house.
                  Bill O'Neal <br>
                  <a href=""


                  • #10
                    Re: rave valves

                    Well said. :beer


                    • #11
                      Re: rave valves

                      I couldnt agree more, and like you said, they are there to help. What I was just trying to point out, even if someone replys with "use safety wire on the rave bellows", then someone on tech support replys with dont post that ect. ect., its been covered already, it pretty much hampers anyone from wanting to even reply or post. If it matters that much, they should just remove the whole thread and make them search for their answers. Since I cant write this directly to this person that moderates this seacion, I pretty much have to write it on here and let them read it. What also needed to be said is that these responses have increased greatly the past month. So yea he must be busy with his other job and irritated. Thats that, just constructive criticism.......sorry to irritate anyone but I know many feel the same way. I'll drop it now :beer


                      • #12
                        Re: rave valves

                        You couldn't be more wrong. Tech Support is the MODERATOR of this website. There is nothing you write here that he does not see.
                        I have been here since almost day one and he does not stop people from posting such things as your safety wire advice. In fact, that sort of thing is encouraged, not repressed.
                        I'm not sure what burr is under your saddle, but you seem to be overly sensitive and quite mistaken about the way this site is run......... But, your opinion is welcome, and if there is a problem, it will be read and something will be done if he feels it is a valid complaint. If not, I guess you don't have to subject yourself to such poor treatment and can choose to go elsewhere.

                        We have several thousand members here. I'd expect a few to be upset about something now and then, kinda like the real world, wouldn't you say?
                        Bill O'Neal <br>
                        <a href=""


                        • #13
                          Re: rave valves

                          What I meen is that one of the moderators (tech support) im assuming there is more than just one guy on here, that recently is acting like a @$$ to the point that he doesnt even answer or give help. Maybe a PM should be sent the the user if a thread is started that is repetitive or just remove the started thread if its redundant. Just some thoughts. Sorry for the confusion. :)


                          • #14
                            Re: rave valves

                            You know what, enough is enough. I gave you private warnings, you still like to act out, and I told you I don't have time or patience for kids like you. Grow up, but do it elsewhere. Banned.
                            SBT Tech Support is here to help with your problems.
                            We try to answer each question quickly and accurately.
                            Please do not use Private Messaging for Tech Support, use the forums.


                            • #15
                              Re: rave valves

                              Sorry I created such a controversay. I will be much smarter next time.

