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Inspecting a 98 xp before buying

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  • Inspecting a 98 xp before buying

    I have an opportunity of buying a 1998 XP through a reposessed 'outlet' (if you want to call it that).

    Basically, boat got taken away and now they're selling it as is. There is absolutely NO info on this boat's history. It seems to be in decent shape (on the outside, heh), but what should I be looking for when inspecting it?

    This is my first boat purchase EVER, I don't even know the basics of boat motor/exhausts/sealing etc, but it seems that they tend to break a bit more than motorcycle engines (more familiar with that), and that obviosuly water getting in is a problem.

    I also hear of 'water ingestion' problems with 97-98 XP's (through this forum).

    What should I be looking for? How much should I bid on it ? (it's been sitting around for about a month, so I might be able to get a real good price).

    I'm assuming I shouldn't even expect it to run? Should I at least try? (excuse my ignorance, but I mean, if you start a boat on land, and there's no water resistance, wouldn't that make the boat scream?)

    This seems to be a great forum with a lot of experience and helpful people. Hopefully it'll become my home soon [img]smile.gif[/img]

    I enjoy taking things apart (and putting them together) so any work on the boat I could probably do, or go to a shop to get it done.

    Anyway, any help, ideas, suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Thanks everyone!


  • #2
    woops. just found the thread i wanted in technical articles.

    I'll be back though [img]smile.gif[/img]



    • #3
      It should start if it has enough battery and fuel?

      My main concern would be how long has it been sitting since it last ran, and if it was fogged during the time it has been sitting between previous owner and new buyer.

      If it was fogged, at least you know it shouldnt be rusted.

      But if its been sitting for 6 months without any fogging lube in it it could be rusted?

      What sort of price will it be?

      Good Luck - Welcome to SEADOO's, they kick butt.

      Even if its rusted to a lump of metal, if its cheap enough you could do and SBT changeover, and have a brand spankin engine!!


      • #4
        First try to start it. If it starts, stop it and check the compression with a high quality compression tester with a screw-in hose 3/4 inch reach. It should blow 140 psi at sea level. If it runs and dosen't make knocking noises, has 140 psi compression, and the pump housing is not cracked and the prop is good, it is worth $2500-$3000.00.

        If it needs repair, offer $1000.00
        Bill O'Neal WCM
        <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


        • #5
          Well, went to look at the ski, everything looked ok, but once I opened up the hood I was quite surprised.

          The 'rave valves' (is that the correct term?) were missing, spark plugs were out, and it seemed like it was quite possible that some water got in there. Not totally sure if that was the case, but could have been.

          From looking at it and later talking to a Sea-Doo sales rep about XP failures/problems in general, I get the impression that the boat might have been flipped, the motor went, the person who owned the thing tried to fix it, couldn't, so stopped making payments on it, and let the bank just take it away.

          How much damage could be done by simply flipping the XP? I know it's hard to tell, but how much would I be (possibly) looking at in repairs? I can perhaps get some pictures of various parts of the boat and send them in.

          I'm thinking that if I buy it cheap (ie. 1000$) then I can just get a new motor for it if the old one is gone, and it'll still be a good deal.

          Also, the dealer spoke of two air inlets at the front that were not sealing well if the boat flipped, and supposedly those were fixed starting with the 2001 models? is that true? Is there any way to 'seal' these inlets on the old models? (or would it not allow for proper air intake?)

          Perhaps I should start hanging around people who own jetskis [img]smile.gif[/img]

          This is more general topic perhaps, but I was also thinking of the possibility of getting a standup (I'm assuming those things can be flipped and tossed without too much worry?). I plan to learn how to ride on and progress to tricks on the same ski.

          Thanks for your help,


          • #6
            I think you should assume that motor is dead, and bank on a SBT replacement!!! With a warrantee.


            • #7
              did the machine even have a key because it a repo, you should still try to turn the motor and see if its locked. the air intake a not a big proplem, if the boat was flipped water will get in, these are not sealed hulls because air has to get in and it can't be totally sealled


              • #8
                So even though the boat was flipped it should be fine, with the possibility of a spent motor?

                Do electrics usually breaks during a flip? How would I go about checking the hours on the motor?

                I didn't try turning it over, but perhaps I'll go back to the place and give it a go.

                There were quite a bit of scratches on the bottom, especially at the back of the boat, but nothing deep it seemed.

                Hmm, perhaps pictures would help out.

                Are you guys (and girls) willing to help me out with this boat, and with things in general? It would be a great way for me to learn things. Are any of you on icq or msn? (icq: 3240530, msn: That would be a good way to communicate too.

                Thanks again,



                • #9
                  Did you say where you are located? 1000 is not a bad deal for this boat. you need to try to turn it over. you also should feel around the bottom of the engine and around the reed ports for cracks or pieces of aluminum to make sure that nothing has gone through the cases. the electronics are all sealed they should be OK.


                  • #10
                    Actually, the little black coil box up front and the VTS box in the rear get full of water sometimes when submerged. Look into them for corrosion and moisture, and damage.
                    Bill O'Neal WCM
                    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


                    • #11
                      Well, went back to the auction. The guys there wouldn't let me turn it over unless I was the highest bidder, so I couldn't find out the state of the motor. I was going to place a 1000$ bid, but was told I'd be at the end of the list (about 15 bids). Perhaps the others will walk away, but I don't think this boat is going to go that fast.

                      Anyway, got some pictures of the things, inside and out. If some of you with experience could tell me what you see (damage-wise) and what could have happened to this boat. Perhaps the pictures can't tell the whole story, but hopefully I can get an idea of how much I should bid (maximally) for this thing.

                      The pictures are locatedhere. The individual photos are quite large (watch out, about 400K each I think).

                      Again, any help is appreciated.




                      • #12
                        i cannot get your link to work, but you can email me the pictures and i will look at them, i have a 98 xpl and i know it inside out, so hopefully i can help you


                        • #13
                          Not much to see except a lot of scratches, missing RAVE valves, and some surface rust. I wouldn't wager much ont he ski past what you have, it's a crap shoot without them allowing proper inspection.
                          SBT Tech Support is here to help with your problems.
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                          • #14
                            What would constitute a proper inspection then (other than trying to turn over the engine).

                            Any good watercraft mechanics anyone could recommend in the area? (Toronto, Canada)



                            • #15
                              See our Tech Article here.
                              SBT Tech Support is here to help with your problems.
                              We try to answer each question quickly and accurately.
                              Please do not use Private Messaging for Tech Support, use the forums.

